Adobe Indesign Training – Expert

Production of long documents, automation, text formatting, tables and graphs in a collaborative area

formation Adobe Indesign


12 hours

Participants Profile

Confirmed users with practice on the software or people who wants to increase their knowledge and effectiveness


Create long documents, catalogs, brochures or annual reports, designed with text, tables and images from any software

Use dynamic preflight control profiles, to continuously check the quality and consistency of the related content

Make templates to facilitate updating and changes in the document

Manage content integration and text formatting, grouped by chapters written by the contributors

Use layers to manage the different language versions or variation within a single document

Change and apply text and paragraph styles efficiently in all the documents involved, simultaneously

Include a table of contents, footnotes, references and interactive indexes; updated automatically

Archive and export their work for print or the web via PDF or Flash documents


Having attended the course ‘Adobe Indesign Professional (Level 1)” or with equivalent knowledge.


Course Content

  • Creation of document templates with dynamic quality control
  • Preparation of a stylesheet, including text, paragraph, tables and object styles
  • Importing the text content, tables, graphs from other software (Word, Excel)
  • Formatting and managing the text flow
  • Organizing documents in a book for any easy styles constitency and collaborative documents
  • Integration of table of contents, footnotes, references and interactive indexes
  • Creating a document using variable data from a database
  • Exporting for print and web, archiving completed work

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